Spot on Fake News
Fake news is stoned age news. So if you are wondering where or when fake news emanate from, you will be wasting my time for nothing in a discuss that have no end. This is year and in years to come from now we will be measuring if agenda 2030 is achieved or not. But to my mind there's big connect of the 17 SDGs to misinformation, disinformation and fake news.
I have once been misled to a wrong direction in a visiting city I didn't exactly know wheteabout to my final destination. So I asked for direction from passengers we boarded train with who is, as claimed are residents of the said city. So I trusted the information as accurate but landed in wrong destination, and worst still, was that the wrong destination exposed me to great security risk. I later got to know that the residents I requested information from, didn't in the real sense knew the exactness of the direction but directed me to a similar direction known to them. However, I was able to retraced my direction by fact checking the direction using digital Google map. But that misinformation cost me danger so much.
I mean real danger in the sense that I called a friend to narrate my experience to while I was far away in the visiting city. Then my friend cooked, fabricated a story and started sharing it on the social media about my experience and how I was robbed, maltreated and stranded out of racism which was not true. And he knew the storyline were untrue but still went ahead to share widely. Many of my family members and friends, public that read the story believed it without verifying it from me. The story triggered hates out of nothing and gave me work to do. I had to worked very had to convince my family/friends that the story was not true. It was disinformation.
You see, fake news to my mind is not really new in the world per se; it has always been there in news print- media and is placed close to where verified news print stands are in developed countries. That's what I was made to know, hopefully you can confirm is not a fake news. But before that, one thing is always clear, that getting fake news is a matter of choice in developed world but not in underdeveloped and developing world.
That said, I know misinformation and disinformation are ingredients that can cook delicious meals of fake news knowingly or unknowingly, which do misshaped people's world views to the extent that friends can turn into enemies in just no time. Believe me on this.

Fake news is written and published with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically, often with sensationalist, exaggerated, or patently false headlines that grab attention. Misinformation and disinformation are all ingredients of fake news.
Every fake news online have more likes, retweet etc than verified news. Why do we like fake news?
Take for instance an anonymously-hosted fake news websites lacking known publishers having millions of followership, subscribers and readership, which is bane for economic viability through advertising values in terms of financial gains? Then you will know why publishers or bloggers, social media uses fake news and what ishe there for them. It's absolutely for traffic and traffic in online space translate into money. That's all.
Internet as it is, has birthed people with characters that some just live on the social media to sow discord by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory pictures, posts and comments. Some comments you see are just off the messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion. These people interact with other like him/her and do often share misleading information that contributes to the fake news circulated on social media sites.
Social media sites and search engines have criticism for facilitating the spread of fake news. But hope is not lost, as social media platform owners/corporations have taken measures to explicitly prevent the spread of fake news; critics, however, believe more action is needed.
For instance, after the 2016 American election and the run-up to the German election, Facebook began labeling and warning of inaccurate news and partnered with independent fact-checkers to label inaccurate news, warning readers before sharing it.
@fakenews #fakenews
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