Racism and hate crimes leading to death of Nigerian in Italy

Racism is still ongoing and hate crimes are let go in favoritism just because of skin colour in a world where all are born equal. That alone is the highest injustice humanity can face and will continue to face till racism leading to hate crimes are wholly eradicated on the planet.

29th July 2022 was the most horrible day for the family of two children and a wife to late Mr Alika Ogorchukwu; a Nigerian, 39 years old lawful hustler and bread winner when news broke viral that Akila has been wrestled, pinned and beaten bare to death by an Italian man out of no justification. Incase you don't know, racism causes hates and hate for no just reason(s). Get that straight up. 

Akila sells goods on the main street of Civitanova, Marche, a beach town on the Adriatic Sea, Italy. He resorted to this trade after he was struck by a car and lost his job as a laborer due to injuries he sustained.

Unknown to him 29th July 2022 was a day of no return to life ; as he was exercising his trade, an attacker from nowhere grabbed his crutches and struck him down, hitting him severally and severely with the crutch. This is a man that could be passed as one living with disability challenge.

They wrestled on the ground as Akila wanted to live, but eventually was overpowered and subdued with the weight of his body. Punched with bare hands to death. Just because Akila color is called black. Is this a fair world by standard? Is the killing justifable or is jungle? Why do people hate others just because of skin color to such extent of taking life of another, and why do we preach love and peace and hates each other by the skin of our colors and where we come from? That's why I am asking you to sign this petition now if you care about stopping hate crimes and racism all over the world. Please sign this petition now.

After all, a Nigerian couldn't have beaten an Italian to death in Nigeria and then you expect Italians to keep quiet about it.

If you don't value your thing, expect nobody to value it for you. Must racism always be a white killing black man?

Go sign this petition now and let push the news of this cruel murder to the fore for justice. Injury for one is injury of all.

It is still traumatic that a father could have been killed in such atrocious and racist way while passerby were busy taking videos of the whole scene without stopping the aggressor. It makes me wonder what sort of world we have found ourselves in. A world where people no longer care or love anymore because of color. A place filled with anger and hates out of where you come from. A place where day in day out, it seems as black lives doesn't matter.

How could this cruel murder happened in a busy street of such, in front of shocked onlookers and some of whom made videos with little or no attempt to prevent it? Tells you the magnitude of racism ongoing in different places of the world. You will never know if you have not traveled widely across North Africa, Asia, America and Europe when you are a black man. You will better understand what discrimination of skin color means. Please sign and share this petition if you are concerned about racism and injustice faced by being black. Sign here please https://chng.it/d4y9TgbC

After Akila was killed, onlookers called police who responded after the suspect had fled. Police used street Camara to track the assailant's movement and have arrested an Italian man, 32 years old, identified as Fillipo Claudio Giuseppe Ferlazzo. And he's in detention with the police in Italy.

I am by this petition condemning in strongest terms the unjustifiable murder of Late Mr Akila Ogorchukwu and calling on Nigeria Government to hold the Italy Government including their embassy in Nigeria to account, that justice is done.

Please add up voice by signing as no one knows tomorrow's next victim.

This killing is similar to George Floyd. 





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