One booklet to safeguarding child abduction during school hours in Nigeria

There has been an increase in the number of child abduction( and attempts) in Nigeria, especially during school hours. Some of these cases are reported and recorded, and many have not. Interestingly, most child abductions have been recovered by law enforcement agencies, while many others are still not yet rescued. Effort for rescue must be intensified. Abduction is a traumatic experience for a child, especially girl child; even if they are rescued or and found alive they are not the same. The child has been brutally injured psychologically, abused and assuslted. Such trauma may linger for a very long time. It will take a lot of healing for the child to recover from such experience. It is therefore better to prevent, rather than cure, child abduction. Dennis Ekwere is the founder and facilitator of youth focused social movement - "Children and Young People Living for Peace(CYPLP), based in Nigeria. He was wrongly alleged of child abduction by his landlord when they disagreed ...